Spam control is magic. 

Few know how to use it well, and even those who do have difficulty anticipating the consequences of that which they have conjured.

The best we can do is follow a few steps to avoid drawing the ire of these arcane filters.

  • Give attachments proper names
    • Quote-9898 (Copy 1).zip.pdf is never getting through, however Company Name Q9898.pdf might
  • Use a Subject
    • Blank subjects are suspicious to filters, as well as ones with only RE or FW
  • Don't use third party web apps to send emails
    • Sending from MSN or Yahoo or Mailchimp without talking to IT first will surly land your emails in the bin
  • Write something in the body
    • If you just send an attachment with no context there's a great chance it will never make it
  • Send reputable files using reputable services
    • If you can, avoid sending risky attachments like .DOCX/.ZIP/.EXE/.XSLM 
    • Don't use free Dropsend or Docusign type services, use paid or managed apps like OneDrive for Business for larger files

Even emails following those steps are at risk of getting caught in a filter due to improper configuration or other upstream issues. You can try and train your Junk folder to ignore certain emails and senders using the steps below:

Outlook Web App Top Bar

  1. Mark Not Junk will train system to ignore these kinds of email

Outlook Web App Right Click

  1. Mark Not Junk will train system to ignore these kinds of email

Outlook App

  1. Mark Not Junk will train system to ignore these kinds of email
  2. Never Block Sender will allow all email from this person through
  3. Never Block Sender's Domain will allow anyone sending from their domain (